- Version 94.1
- Sold by Factor House
Simple, Secure, Enterprise Kafka Tooling with Kpow and your choice of either Team or Enterprise Cluster Credit entitlements, with the option of long-term contracts via AWS Licence Manager.
Built for Engineers. Trusted by Enterprises. Made for Real-Time Data. Equip your engineers with the tools they need to build real-time systems with confidence. Our flagship product is Kpow for Apache Kafka® - Simple, Secure, Enterprise Kafka Tooling. Operatr IO, Inc is a wholly owned subsidiary of Factor House.
Simple, Secure, Enterprise Kafka Tooling with Kpow and your choice of either Team or Enterprise Cluster Credit entitlements, with the option of long-term contracts via AWS Licence Manager.
Simple, Secure, Enterprise Kafka Tooling with Kpow Team Edition for a single Kafka Cluster and associated Schema Registry and Connect resources.
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