By integrating with your ERP and CRM, QuickQuotes brings all the needed information and tribal knowledge to a single pane of glass, allowing you, your customers and vendors to collaborate seamlessly and resolve your customer issues more effectively. It will reduce the time to respond to RFQs to a matter of days.
QuickQuotes also provides more up-to-date demand forecast, which will optimize your part inventory and decrease lead-time for repairs. QuickQuotes is hosted on the AWS cloud and integrates with your on-premises ERP, CRM, and other systems.
It has been built with various AWS services for high performance, reliability, and a pleasant user experience. The AWS cloud platform provides unified access to information and perform business processes, at any time, from anywhere, and by anyone, whether an internal or external user.
We have developed a well-established process to support you in acquiring and deploying the QuickQuotes application. QuickQuotes can be delivered to you with just a few steps in 4-6 months, depending on the amount of data and the complexity of exporting the needed data from the current ERP and other systems.
- QuickQuotes' key features are listed as follows: * Searchable Part Catalog * ML/AI Part Recommender * Intelligent Pricer * Powerful Search Capabilities * Unified Information Dashboard * Auditable Quoting Process * Auto Update of Parts Info * Automated Workflow with Alerts
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