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    DP360 Portal

    Data Portal solution providing a self-service environment for data analysts, including data exploration, analysis sandbox creation, and various functionalities for administrators such as data access control and estimated cost monitoring.


    DP360 Portal is a web-based portal solution that enables optimal utilization and management of an AWS data analysis platform from both user and administrator perspectives.

    DP360 Portal integrates key functionalities and processes for data analysis, such as data exploration, curation, access control, and analysis sandbox management, all in one place, instead of using the AWS Management Console. Additionallyt it supports Single Sign-On (SSO) integrated with corporate portal accounts, enabling the integration of the data analysis ecosystem into the existing portal for effortless operation.

    DP360 Portal is provided based on professional customization services, allowing seamless integration with various environments that companies operate. With the customized DP360 Portal tailored to the company's operational environment and scope of utilization, organizations can accelerate data-driven digital transformation by building their unique data lake integrated analysis platform.

    Main Feature

    • Individual user dashboards to view statistics for analysis activities and estimated costs based on AWS data lake
    • Upload and download datasets to/from Amazon S3 based on permissions such as personal, project-specific, or public access
    • Create and schedule Amazon EC2 and Amazon SageMaker instances, allowing self-service for operational usage
    • Execute AWS Athena and Redshift queries within the portal and manage usage on a per-user basis
    • Integration with corporate portal accounts and seamless authentication with essential BI tools
    • Policies and features to prevent and manage various data leaks and breaches


    • Integrate the distributed data analysis environments, such as data lakes, analysis sandboxes, BI tools, and others, into a single view to unify the corporate data analysis ecosystem. Ultimately, this enables achieving data analysis governance through centralized management.
    • Maximize data analysis agility by providing a self-service environment for data users. Even during data upload and download, the integration of corporate-specific encryption and DRM API streamlines the data provisioning process.
    • When integrated with DP360 Catalog*, it enables comprehensive support for the entire data analysis journey, including practical data evaluation, as well as analysis and utilization of data across various domains. (* DP360 Catalog is a 3rd generation data catalog solution that allows enterprises to search, explore, track lineage, and profile their data.)



    Custom pricing options

    Pricing is based on your specific requirements and eligibility. To get a custom quote for your needs, request a private offer.

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    MEGAZONECLOUD is the first and largest AWS Premier Tier Services Partner in Korea. Based on the holistic methodology built from our experiences in cloud adoption, consulting, implementation and operation, we offer a full life cycle of cloud services and successfully provide AWS solution and additional services to 5,000+ customers in various fields.

    ADC (AI & Data Analytics Center) is an organization responsible for AI & Data Analytics business at MEGAZONECLOUD. We have over 100 AI and data analytics experts and offer a wide range of services based on professional methodologies. From consulting on cloud-based data strategies, establishing cutting-edge data architectures, and governance to building and operating data platforms – ADC is here to be your successful first step towards digital transformation.

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