Setting the right standards and working practices can enable your teams to deliver quality outcomes. Learn what has worked for others and see what you can introduce in your government transformation programs.

Standards for digital services
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Technical standards
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Best practices for government transformation programs
Ways of working for digital teamsLearn about the use of agile practices, project phases, reusing open source software, and the roles, skills, and capabilities that make up a digital team.Latest Updates (new - old)
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Buying and hiringEstablishing the guidance and means to buy services and capabilities that can best meet your digital transformation needs.Latest Updates (new - old)
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Conducting user researchConducting user research before, during, and after designing digital services is vitally important to understand the needs of your citizens, and make sure you are building the right thing to solve the right problem.Latest Updates (new - old)
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Making accessible servicesProviding accessible experiences is inclusive and provides access to all, especially people with disabilities. In some countries, delivery of accessible digital government services is legislated.Latest Updates (new - old)
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Designing for the webDesigning experiences for citizens can be made easier when following established and proven design and content guidelines, and reusing code written to solve similar problems.
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