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Translate Text Between Languages in the Cloud
with Amazon Translate
In this tutorial, you will learn how to translate text between languages using Amazon Translate. Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, and affordable language translation.
As a developer, language translation is a challenge you will face when developing multi-lingual websites and applications, translating user-generate content, or supporting real-time communication in an application. Amazon Translate enables you to meet this challenge by delivering accurate natural sounding translation using a cloud based deep learning API.
In this tutorial scenario, as part of an international luggage manufacturing firm, you need to understand what customers are saying about your product in reviews in the local market language - French. Since a few sentences are being translated here, using the console is ideal. The console is also helpful for testing translation quality. For workloads that need to scale, you would want to use the Translate API via the AWS CLI or the AWS SDK instead of using the console.
This tutorial requires an AWS account
It’s easy to get started with the Amazon Translate Free Tier. Translate up to 2M characters monthly - free for the first 12 months, starting from your first translation request.
Step 1. Navigate to the Amazon Translate console
Open the AWS Management Console, so you can keep this step-by-step guide open. When the screen loads, enter your username and password to get started. Then type Translate in the search bar and select Amazon Translate to open the service console.
Step 2. Translate a review
In this step, you’ll translate a customer review using the Translate console.
b. In the left navigation bar, select Try Amazon Translate. For Source language, select French. For Target language, select English. You can see the full list of languages that Amazon Translate supports from the drop-down list.
In scenarios where you won't know the source language, Translate can auto detect it for you.
c. In the Source Code box, copy then paste the following text:
Cette valise est d'un excellent rapport qualité prix et présente de très solides atouts:
- Elle est légère (plus que ce à quoi je m'attendait)- Elle parait solide (pour l'instant, pas encore utilisée en conditions réelles qui seules pourront donner le vrai verdict sur sa solidité)- Elle est parfaitement conçue et fabriquée : Matériaux bien choisis et qui respirent la qualité (poignées, roulettes, aménagement intérieur, soufflet d'extension...)
Néanmoins, elle présente un défaut TRES gênant, qui est quasiment rédhibitoire en ce qui me concerne : Rien n'est prévu pour la verrouiller !!!Pas de verrou à code intégré, ça c'est visible dans la description mais, encore plus gênant, il n'y a même pas d'anneau intégré à la glissière de fermeture pour y fixer un cadenas, la seule possibilité est d’accrocher le dit cadenas aux tirettes de fermeture, ce qui est très moyen en terme de solidité de fermeture.
En ce qui me concerne, je trouve incroyable que les concepteurs de ce bagage n'aient pas pensé à un dispositif solide de fermeture !!!
Cette valise aurait largement décroché ses 5 étoiles avec un dispositif de fermeture (verrou ou anneau intégré pour passer un cadenas) malheureusement elle n'en possède aucun.
e. In the JSON samples panel, you can see the JSON input and output. This is useful for debugging your code when using the AWS CLI or AWS SDK. See the TranslateText operation via the API or SDK for more details.
Now you understand how Amazon Translate can enable you to translate text using the AWS Web Console. The same functionality that you have used here is available via the AWS SDK and AWS CLI. You can use Amazon Translate to enable multilingual sentiment analysis of social media content, provide the on-demand translation of user-generated content, and add the real-time translation for communications applications.
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Find out more about the features of Amazon Translate with this Getting Started Tutorial
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