Build an iOS Application
Create a simple iOS application using AWS Amplify
Module 4: Add a GraphQL API and Database
In this module, you will use the Amplify CLI and libraries to configure and add a GraphQL API to your app
The app you will be building is a note-taking app where users can create, delete, and list notes. This example gives you a good idea of how to build many popular types of CRUD+L (create, read, update, delete, and list) applications.
What you will accomplish
- Create and deploy a GraphQL API
- Write frontend code to interact with the API
Key concepts
API – Provides a programming interface that allows communication and interactions between multiple software intermediaries.
GraphQL – A query language and server-side API implementation based on a typed representation of your application. This API representation is declared using a schema based on the GraphQL type system. To learn more about GraphQL, visit this page.
Time to complete
20 minutes
Services used
Create a GraphQL API service and a database
Open the Terminal, navigate to your project root directory, and run the following command:
amplify add api
When prompted, make the following selections:
Select from one of the below mentioned services: ❯ GraphQL Authorization modes: Choose the default authorization type for the API ❯ Amazon Cognito User Pool Configure additional auth types? N
Validate the selected options, and choose Continue.
Here is the GraphQL API that we will create. Select a setting to edit or continue (Use arrow keys) Name: gettingstarted Authorization modes: Amazon Cognito User Pool (default) Conflict detection (required for DataStore): Disabled ❯ Continue
Select Blank Schema and choose Y when asked to edit the schema:
Choose a schema template: ❯ Blank Schema Do you want to edit the schema now? Y
As we want to represent the model we previously defined in the Note.swift file, use the following schema and save the file:
type Note @model @auth (rules: [ { allow: owner } ]) { id: ID! name: String! description: String image: String }
The data model is made of one class named Note and four String properties: id and name are mandatory; description and image are optional.
- The @model transformer indicates we want to create a database to store these data.
- The @auth transformer adds authentication rules to allow access to these data. For this project, we want only the owner of Notes to have access to them.
Delete the Note.swift file, we will re-generate the models in the next step.
Generate client-side code
Amplify generates client-side code.
To generate the code, run the following command in your terminal:
amplify codegen models
This creates Swift files in the amplify/generated/models directory and automatically add them to your project.
Deploy the API service and database
To deploy the backend API and database we have just created, in your terminal run the following command:
amplify push
When prompted, make the following selections:
amplify push Are you sure you want to continue? Y Do you want to generate code for your newly created GraphQL API? N
Add API client library to the project
Configure the Amplify API library at runtime
Navigate back to Xcode, and open the GettingStartedApp.swift file.
To configure Amplify API, you will need to:
- Add the import AWSAPIPlugin statement.
- Create the AWSAPIPlugin plugin and register it with Amplify.
Your code should look like the following:
import Amplify import AWSAPIPlugin import AWSCognitoAuthPlugin import SwiftUI @main struct GettingStartedApp: App { init() { do { try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSCognitoAuthPlugin()) try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSAPIPlugin(modelRegistration: AmplifyModels())) try Amplify.configure() print("Initialized Amplify"); } catch { print("Could not initialize Amplify: \(error)") } } var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { LandingView() .environmentObject(AuthenticationService()) } } }
Create a class to support API CRUD operations
Create a new Swift file named NotesService.swift with the following content:
import Amplify import SwiftUI @MainActor class NotesService: ObservableObject { @Published var notes: [Note] = [] func fetchNotes() async { do { let result = try await Amplify.API.query(request: .list(Note.self)) switch result { case .success(let notesList): print("Fetched \(notesList.count) notes") notes = notesList.elements case .failure(let error): print("Fetch Notes failed with error: \(error)") } } catch { print("Fetch Notes failed with error: \(error)") } } func save(_ note: Note) async { do { let result = try await Amplify.API.mutate(request: .create(note)) switch result { case .success(let note): print("Save note completed") notes.append(note) case .failure(let error): print("Save Note failed with error: \(error)") } } catch { print("Save Note failed with error: \(error)") } } func delete(_ note: Note) async { do { let result = try await Amplify.API.mutate(request: .delete(note)) switch result { case .success(let note): print("Delete note completed") notes.removeAll(where: { $ == }) case .failure(let error): print("Delete Note failed with error: \(error)") } } catch { print("Delete Note failed with error: \(error)") } } }
This class allows to fetch all notes, save a new note, and delete an existing note, while also publishing the fetched notes in a notes array.
Update the existing UI
Listing notes
Make the following changes to the NotesView.swift file:
- Add a new @EnvironmentObject private var notesService: NotesService property
- Delete the local notes array and instead use published notesService.notes when creating the List items in the ForEach loop.
- Call notesService.fetchNotes() when the view appears. We can do this using the task(priority:_:) method.
Your file should look like the following:
struct NotesView: View { @EnvironmentObject private var authenticationService: AuthenticationService @EnvironmentObject private var notesService: NotesService var body: some View { NavigationStack{ List { if notesService.notes.isEmpty { Text("No notes") } ForEach(notesService.notes, id: \.id) { note in NoteView(note: note) } } .navigationTitle("Notes") .toolbar { Button("Sign Out") { Task { await authenticationService.signOut() } } } } .task { await notesService.fetchNotes() } } }
Since the notesService variable is marked with a @EnvironmentObject property wrapper annotation, we need to set it using the environmentObject(_:) view modifier on an ancestor view.
Update the GettingStartedApp.swift's body to set the NotesService object:
var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { LandingView() .environmentObject(NotesService()) .environmentObject(AuthenticationService()) } }
Creating notes
Create a new Swift file named SaveNoteView.swift with the following content:
import SwiftUI struct SaveNoteView: View { @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss @EnvironmentObject private var notesService: NotesService @State private var name = "" @State private var description = "" @State private var image = "" var body: some View { Form { Section("Details") { TextField("Name", text: $name) TextField("Description", text: $description) } Section("Picture") { TextField("Image Name", text: $image) } Button("Save Note") { let note = Note( name: name, description: description.isEmpty ? nil : description, image: image.isEmpty ? nil : image ) Task { await dismiss() } } } } }
This view displays text fields for a name, description, and image. It also has a Save Note button that when tapped, it creates a Note object and calls to save it.
Note: The view automatically dismisses itself by the usage of the @Environment(\.dismiss) property.
Update the NotesView.swift file with the following information:
- Add a new @State private var isSavingNote = false property
- Add a new ToolbarItem at the bottom, with a "⨁ New Note" button that sets isSavingNote = true
- Show SaveNoteView() inside a sheet(isPresented:) method, using the isSavingNote property.
Your file should now look like the following:
struct NotesView: View { @EnvironmentObject private var authenticationService: AuthenticationService @EnvironmentObject private var notesService: NotesService @State private var isSavingNote = false var body: some View { NavigationStack{ List { if notesService.notes.isEmpty { Text("No notes") } ForEach(notesService.notes, id: \.id) { note in NoteView(note: note) } } .navigationTitle("Notes") .toolbar { Button("Sign Out") { Task { await authenticationService.signOut() } } } .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) { Button("⨁ New Note") { isSavingNote = true } .bold() } } .sheet(isPresented: $isSavingNote) { SaveNoteView() } } .task { await notesService.fetchNotes() } } }
Deleting notes
To implement this we can rely on the onDelete(perform:) method of ForEach:
ForEach(notesService.notes, id: \.id) { note in NoteView(note: note) } .onDelete { indices in for index in indices { let note = notesService.notes[index] Task { await notesService.delete(note) } } }
Your NotesView.swift file should look like the following:
import SwiftUI struct NotesView: View { @EnvironmentObject private var authenticationService: AuthenticationService @EnvironmentObject private var notesService: NotesService @State private var isSavingNote = false var body: some View { NavigationStack{ List { if notesService.notes.isEmpty { Text("No notes") } ForEach(notesService.notes, id: \.id) { note in NoteView(note: note) } .onDelete { indices in for index in indices { let note = notesService.notes[index] Task { await notesService.delete(note) } } } } .navigationTitle("Notes") .toolbar { Button("Sign Out") { Task { await authenticationService.signOut() } } } .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) { Button("⨁ New Note") { isSavingNote = true } .bold() } } .sheet(isPresented: $isSavingNote) { SaveNoteView() } } .task { await notesService.fetchNotes() } } }
Build and test
To verify everything works as expected, build, and run the project.
Choose the ► button in the toolbar. Alternatively, you can also do it by navigating to Product -> Run, or by pressing Cmd + R.
The iOS simulator will open and the app should show you the Notes view, assuming you are still signed in.
Choose the "⨁ New Note" button at the bottom to create a new list, which should automatically display in the list when saved. You can delete a note by swiping from the left of its row.
You have now added a GraphQL API and configured create, read, and delete functionality in your app. In the next module, we will add UI and behavior to manage pictures.